Feedonomics by BigCommerce

Gone are the days when you could just list your products on one marketplace and be done with it. With so many different requirements for data, integrating across multiple marketplaces can seem like an impossible task- but this isn't true with Feedonomics!

Feedonomics for Marketplaces

There are plenty of reasons to sell your products on marketplaces—an established customer base, global reach, a trusted user experience—but simply meeting buyers where they are doesn't guarantee success on competitive channels like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart.

Manual processes, unreliable data synchronization, and limited integration capabilities with sales channels prevent many companies from achieving their full potential on marketplaces.

That's where Feedonomics comes in.

Feedonomics for Marketplaces is a full-service solution that provides catalog listing and data optimization, automated order management, and marketplace expertise to help merchants maximize their performance on multiple channels.

Our solution serves brands and retailers in four unique ways.

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About Feedonomics

Feedonomics is a data feed management platform that helps organizations list, optimize, and syndicate product data across hundreds of online channels. Our full-service solutions for advertising channels, marketplaces, job boards, and more help large brands and retailers improve data quality and product discovery. Feedonomics has thousands of active clients, integrations with more than 150 advertising and marketplace channels, and close partnerships with industry leaders like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and Target.

Feedonomics for Advertising

Powering your feeds with unrivaled technology and expert service

Data feeds are the backbone to successful ad campaigns, and keeping them optimized for performance across multiple marketing channels requires an immense amount of time, resources, and expertise.

Staying on top of new channel requirements and ecommerce trends is also a challenge, so organizations typically take a set-it-and-forget-it approach with product optimization and error resolution. But few companies can thrive when they're focused on putting out fires rather than executing their campaign strategies, expanding into new channels, and boosting performance. This reactive approach to data feed management leaves money on the table and an organization's growth potential unrealized.

That's where Feedonomics comes in.

Feedonomics for Advertising, our full-service data feed management solution, helps organizations format and syndicate product data across hundreds of paid search, affiliate, and social media channels.

With Feedonomics for Advertising, you also receive a dedicated feed manager that acts as an extension of your team. These specialists optimize your feeds in alignment with your campaign strategy, allowing you to focus on driving performance and growing your business. You can expect our dedicated feed managers to help you with:

Feedonomics Planning

PlanningPlan your ecommerce strategy and explore new channels

Feedonomics Data Governance

Data GovernanceResolve import/export errors and warnings with custom data governance rules

Feedonomics Feed Health Checks

Feed Health ChecksConduct regular feed health checks to make proactive and impactful changes

Feedonomics Business Continuity

Business ContinuityEnsure business continuity and reliable data feed management across your organization

Feedonomics Monthly Reviews

Monthly ReviewsReview ecommerce goals, service requests, and upcoming product launches monthly

Feedonomics Custom Labels

Custom LabelsCreate sophisticated custom labels for your marketing campaigns

Feedonomics FeedTelligence

FeedTelligence™Implement ongoing optimizations with A/B testing from your FeedTelligence™ report, which compares your product titles to real converted search queries

Download your FREE sample feed audit

Want to see what you'll get? Download this sample audit to get an idea of what Feedonomics can do for you!

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